I wanted to share some information on the Soap method.
I’ve been thinking about using this method. If I decided to do that,
I will post pictures of what I have, etc. here.
I’m thinking this method will help me out a lot.
What is the SOAP Method?
The SOAP method or S.O.A.P for short is used for Bible reading to help you go
beyond the words and instead apply scripture to your life.
You can use this method with any daily Bible reading plan.
And here is how the SOAP method works.
S is for Scripture
You open your Bible to whatever reading you’re working on. you can use a devotional,
or your sermon for that week or just open the Bible and just use that section to study from.
As you read the scripture, take your time with the verses and allow God to speak to you.
Once you’re done, look for the verse that spoke to you and write this Scripture down.
I use a journal, but you can use a notebook, you can use a printable SOAP Bible study
worksheet as well; etc.
O is for Observation
Consider the verse that caught your attention. Is there something that you feel or
believe God wants you to notice? Ask God to teach and reveal what it is that you
should meditate on. write down the answers to these questions and any other
questions the Holy Spirit puts in your heart!
You can observe anything. Perhaps it’s the actual story that you’re reading, and
you’re intrigued about how God is using that person for great things.
Perhaps you feel that God wants to use you similarly, but you’re not
ready to take that first step. Write all of these observations down.
What are you feeling?
Is there more that you want to read about and study?
Have you encountered this in the past? What was your response then?
A is for Application
As you apply the Scripture and your observations, consider how you can.
apply it to your life. Personalize it by asking yourself how the passage
applies to your life.
Maybe it’s encouragement, instruction, correction for an area of your life,
or revelation of a new promise.
What will you do about what you’ve encountered today?
Will you simply file it away until it gets too big to ignore or will you take one
small step in the direction you feel he’s calling you towards?
Sometimes it’s hard to take the first step. You may feel judged, insecure, or hopeless.
But Isaiah 40:31 says that the Lord will give you strength.
You will not grow weary because you have hope in the Lord.
Create an action plan so that you can take that next step.
Write down the answers to these questions and any other questions the
Holy Spirit put on your heart!
When you write it all down, it also enables you to come back and review
or reflect on your Bible study notes at a later time.
P is for Prayer
Pray and ask God to reveal his Word to you. God answers, maybe not the way
you want him to, like how you’d answer your children or friends.
He may also not answer you in the timeframe that you’ve set.
But he does answer, in his perfect timing.
Here are some Links to help you out with more Information about S.O.A.P.
S.O.A.P. Bible Study – This page has some Information and a short video.
How to use the S.O.A.P. Method – This site has a lot of information very useful. I will be going back to read more on this.