What Glues do I use and why

Blog Posts


I thought I would talk about glues. I have used several kinds, and I have my favorites. I’m sure you have yours as well. These are the favorites that I use and that I’ll be talking about. As I said, I’m sure you have your favorites. I’m just sharing what I like and use.

To start, I love the art of glitter glue it’s one of my favorites. I also use it a lot in my JJs. The glue dry’s wonderfully and pretty quickly. It has a thin line of glue that comes out using a metal tip. You can buy the tips separately. I do have time to fix things if needed, which is what I love about it. It dries clear, just another plus for me.

I also use a lot of glue sticks to add my pages together, when I add card stock and printed paper, etc. I usually only use two different ones and they are the UHU Stick and Elmer’s glue sticks. I have to say I love the UHU sticks they are wonderful and hold up.

I usually use Aleene’s Clear gel tacky glue, for embellishments and whatnot, it works well for embellishments, and I have time to move things around if needed, and this I like that sometimes you just don’t put things down the way you wanted to.

I have also used scotch quick-dry Adhesive glue as well, usually for paper embellishments, ribbon, etc.

For other projects, I use either the above or a glue gun. that’s pretty much what I use in my Junk journals and other crafts I make.

Now the Beacon Adhesives Fabri-Tac Permanent Adhesive is a little pricy, but I love this one, and works wonderfully. I usually try and get it when I see it on sales, etc. so, if you can use this, I would say it’s the best to use on your projects!

I hope this is helpful to some of you. I’m not an expert, I’m just telling you what I use and why in hopes it helps others.


Here are All of the glues that I use below.

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