Prayer Plant

Prayer Plant

prayer plant
I asked my Husbands niece if I could get a clipping of her prayer plant. and she not only said yes but she did this. already for me pot and all. that was so very nice of her.

‘Prayer plant’ is a colloquial term that refers to members of genus Maranta, to which genus Calathea is closely related. In reality, both are considered to be ‘prayer plants.’ The name comes from the tendency of plants in this family to droop, or ‘pray’ at night. Some of the most popular prayer plants in cultivation are Maranta leuconeura or M. leuconeura ‘Tricolor.’ Many species of Maranta produce rosmarinic acid, one of the active components of rosemary that give it the characteristic rosemary scent.


prayer plant update
prayer plant update 07/29/24







Bright to medium indirect sunlight will allow your prayer plant to thrive. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight which can burn this plant’s delicate leaves. Prayer plants generally tolerate low-light areas but may develop leggy growth in very low-light conditions. In the winter when the plants go into dormancy, provide them with bright light to maintain growth.


Prayer plants require well-draining, loamy, and acidic soil to thrive indoors. Typically, a traditional potting mix works well, but you can also make your own by combining two parts sphagnum peat moss, one part loamy soil, and one part perlite or coarse sand.


Keep the soil of your prayer plant evenly moist, watering once the top layer of soil has dried out. This will likely be once or twice a week during the spring and summer, and once a week during the fall and winter. These sensitive plants prefer filtered or distilled water where possible.

These plants are very susceptible to drought and will not survive long if left unwatered. However, prayer plants are also susceptible to root rot and fungal problems if they are overwatered, so avoid waterlogging the soil and letting water sit on the leaves.

Temperature and Humidity

Keep your prayer plant in warm, humid conditions. Normal household temperatures are usually fine (between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit), however, you may need to provide your plant with some extra humidity. To increase the humidity available to your plant, you can place a small humidifier nearby, or place the plant atop a tray filled with small stones and water.


Fertilize your prayer plant every two weeks from early spring through fall (reducing to once a month in winter) with a water-soluble houseplant fertilizer diluted to half-strength. If you use too little fertilizer, your plant will grow slowly or hardly at all. However, too much fertilizer can burn the plant’s roots.

Types of Prayer Plants

There are many varieties of prayer plants, but the most popular by far is the tricolor variation. Prayer plants and calathea plants are so closely associated with one another that it’s common for them to be mislabeled. Within the Maranta genus, a few species are the most common:

  • Red/Tri-Colored Maranta (Mleuconeuravarerythrophylla): This tri-colored prayer plant, also called the herringbone plant, is the most common variety and features bold red veins.
  • Rabbit’s Tracks Maranta (M. leuconeura var. kerchoveana): This variety has plain green leaves with two rows of darker splotches.
  • Green Maranta (M leuconeura var. erythroneura): This variety looks almost identical to the red/tri-colored maranta, except it has white/lime green veins rather than red veins.
  • Black Maranta (M. leuconeura var. massangeana): This variety has a darker leaf background with silvery blotches along the midrib and white leaf veins.
  • Pruning Prayer Plants

    Prayer plants do not require regular pruning, however, since they are a low-growing, creeping plant by nature, potted plants can become unruly-looking over time with long stems. Pruning can help to encourage a more bushy appearance. Additionally, pruning is a great way to remove leggy growth or leaves that have turned brown or yellow.

    To prune your prayer plant, use a pair of sharp, clean pruning shears or scissors and trim off sections of the stem, cutting just above the leaf nodes. While pruning can be done at any time of the year, spring and summer are the best times to prune your plant to encourage new growth.

  • Propagating Prayer Plants

    The easiest and most common way to propagate prayer plants is to divide the plant while repotting. Here’s how:

    1. Remove your plant from its pot and divide it into several smaller plants by gently shaking the soil off the roots and working them apart. Each new plant should have a good mass of roots and several stems.
    2. Pot these new smaller plants into shallow pots using a well-draining potting mix.
    3. Water the freshly planted prayer plants thoroughly, allowing the excess water to drain from the pot.
    4. Place the plants in a warm, humid location that receives bright to medium indirect light. Ensure the plants stay warm with soil that is evenly moist at all times as the plants become established in their new pots.


    Common Pests

    Like many other houseplants, prayer plants can be prone to spider mites and mealybugs.2 If you notice signs of infestation, such as a white powdery substance on the leaves or browning of the foliage, you can treat your plant with a natural insecticide such as neem oil.

  • Common Problems with Prayer Plants

    Prayer plants are generally considered easy to grow, however, since they prefer greenhouse-like conditions and frequent watering, it can be a challenge to get them accustomed to your home at first. As a result, it’s common to run into a few problems including yellow leaves, brown leaves, and dropping leaves.

    Yellow Leaves

    Yellow leaves on a prayer plant are often a result of improper watering, a lack of sunlight, or too much sunlight. Watering issues can include both overwatering and underwatering. Overwatering can lead to root rot, which will eventually cause the plant to die from dehydration since it no longer has roots to absorb water. Yellow leaves can be an early warning sign that root rot is beginning.

    A lack of sunlight will also result in yellow leaves as the plant sacrifices leaves to preserve its energy. Similarly, plants that are exposed to too much sunlight can also develop yellow leaves, although the leaves will usually look more bleached and faded than truly yellow.

    Brown Leaves

    Brown leaves are another common problem that is usually due to underwatering, a lack of humidity, or a lack of sunlight. Sometimes, plants that are underwatered will develop yellow leaves that will eventually become brown, crispy leaves. Prayer plants that need more light will undergo a similar process. Plants suffering from a lack of humidity will often begin developing brown edges on their leaves, which can be an early warning sign that more humidity is needed.

    Dropping Leaves

    If your prayer plant begins suddenly dropping its leaves, there can be a few potential culprits. Extreme changes in temperature or humidity, pest infestations, drought, and excessive fertilization are the most common causes. These issues will cause your plant to go into shock and begin dropping its leaves. Closely examining your plant, its growing environment, and any recent changes it has been exposed to will help to determine what’s causing the problem.