Epipremnum aureum

golden pothos (epipremnum oureum)

Epipremnum aureum is a species in the arum family Araceaenative to Mo’orea in the Society Islands of French Polynesia. The species is a popular houseplant in temperate regions but has also become naturalised in tropical and sub-tropical forests worldwide, including northern South Africa, AustraliaSoutheast AsiaSouth Asia, the Pacific Islands, and the West Indies, where it has caused severe ecological damage in some cases.

The plant has a number of common names including golden pothosCeylon creeper, hunter’s robeivy arumhouse plantmoney plantsilver vineSolomon Islands ivymarble queen, and taro vine. It is also called devil’s vine or devil’s ivy because it is almost impossible to kill and it stays green even when kept in the dark. It is sometimes mistakenly labeled as a PhilodendronPothos or Scindapsus in plant stores. It is commonly known as a money plant in many parts of the Indian subcontinent. It rarely flowers without artificial hormone supplements; the last known spontaneous flowering in cultivation was reported in 1964.

The plant has gained the Royal Horticultural Society‘s Award of Garden Merit.