What my plans are for the website

Blog Posts

What my plans are for the website

What my plans are for the website

Hi, I decided to add content every day or every other day. This way I can get things up on the site hopefully daily. I will make a list of what I need to do, and work on it. So, this way, content is added regularly.


I will be updating everything on the site, so I’m going through each page and doing corrections, and updates, then I will go back and start adding new content, that I didn’t add.

I did add a banner for Skinny Mixes, on the affiliate info and links page.
I made the affiliate info and links page. So, I can the affiliate, etc. things on one page, hoping it makes it easier to find.


I also worked on the crochet page and fixed up that page with all the free patterns I have so far. I will be adding more soon, I’ve been working on this website so I’m a little behind. I have doll crochet patterns for two different size dolls. I’m in the process of looking for a small doll, maybe about 6”. I would love to make clothes and accessories for that size doll.


For those interested, I got another plant, an ivy plant. I think I’m done getting plants I have 7 now. I have them all on the website with all their information, etc. I will also update pictures every month, so you can see how they are doing.

Planners – this page will be redone I will add more information on and about planners, what planners I use, and what planners I would like to get. I will also try and do spreads every few weeks. give any information I can about planners, and so forth.

Not sure how many planners I will use right now I’m using only one, but I think that’s going to change so stay tuned for some changes coming with the planner page.
I will also add the link and a small description of the planners I reviewed.

Where you can buy planners, and so much more information.


Crafts I do Bible crafts, diamond painting, and paper crafts, I need to update these pages with more content, ideas, plans, and more. I have some ideas. just need to get busy with them. So hopefully they will be coming soon, once I get my daily list up and running things should be much easier and I should have more content on the site.

My Bible pages need to be updated with more ideas, information and more content. I will be getting busy with this as well. The pages need to be cleaned up. I have the Bible Journaling, prayer Bible, and the tip-ins pages to redo, Stay tuned for more content. I will get this up as soon as I can.


Product reviews – This is so far behind. I need to fix the reviews page and get better information on there. Then I will try my hand again with the videos.
I have a few I want to redo and update so please stay tuned for that. 😊


I’m also thinking about doing hauls as well. I usually shop at Dollar Tree Walmart. But I will be doing a few from Dollar General, and Ollie. But from a few other places also, we will see what happens.


Once I get the pages cleaned up, I will start adding more content it will be easier to keep up with it. So, I hope it will be worth it for you all.

Thank you everyone and can wait to get this site fixed up and rocking 😊
If you have any questions idea’s or would like to be a guest blogger, please let me know.

Thank you all




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