Some things that made me happy!

Blog Posts

This is from last year, but I decided to post it here on my new website. it was from my old blog.

I thought I would add a blog post about some of the things that made me happy this year.
Not everything but I did get some pictures of things that made me happy and thought I would share them here. Of course, my Children and Grandchildren always make me Happy, and My Husband most of the time 🙂 My dog Sam makes me happy all the time. he’s a great chin.
I’m sure I will fill up this page in no time. but thought I would get it started. I hope you enjoy it.


Here is a rainbow. Sam and I were sitting in the car waiting for my Husband as he ran into the store. I was on my phone and happen to look up because I saw all these people looking up. so, I looked and got this picture it made me happy to see it. I even watched it slowly going away it was great to watch.

20210918 161052 resized 1%20(1)This is Moo Syman the goat. She lived on
Syman says Farms. she Shesed away this year 2022 after giving birth,
and having complications.
She always made me happy; I would go to the farm to see her and the other goats.
Now her WIN twins make me so happy. She was the best and she
is sadly missed, by all. They also make soap, and they have Moo Moo soap and a book.
that is about her…

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