Holy Bible

All My Bibles

Bible Blog Posts

10/29/23 – All My Bibles

Hi, I thought I would write some information about my Bibles, what I have and will be working on, what I use each one for, etc.

I have been working in my Bible on and off, but really never go into writing in it. But for a few months, I started to read more online, joined up to get newsletters, and read about God, I got more and more interested in learning more and more about God. so, I just started in my NIV Bible.
So, I was working with the NIV Bible as it’s easier to understand than King James. but I do go back to that as well. I also was told about CSB – the Christian standard Bible which I fell in love with.
So now I use just the NIV and CSB, but I do go back to the King James for a reference when needed.

I am working on fixing my website and moved things around and I also took things out, so when you see the Bible it’s drop-down, you will see the list and I need to add the CSB in there. That’s what I will be working on Next that page. once I get all the pages done. this is when I will be adding my info, pictures, what I’ve been working on so forth. I will share all my information with you. I’m going to be working on all this, this week coming. then I can get into my Bibles, the following week. I can’t wait until then.

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=1535935049&Format= SL110 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=allmyhappines 20&language=en USir?t=allmyhappines 20&language=en US&l=li1&o=1&a=1535935049 I also just bought She Reads Truth Bible; I got mine at Ollie’s, but I have seen it on Amazon as well.
I haven’t worked on it yes as I just got it.
I also just got the Inspire NLT The Bible for coloring and creative Journaling, they do have other ones as well, you can find them on Amazon, not sure where else you can find them. 🙂 You just can’t have enough Bibles. 🙂

Oh, and I also have a small Bible CSB for my prayer Bible, I’m getting ready to start this, just waiting on supplies, to start digging in. This Prayer Bible is going to be great; it will be so helpful. when I want to pray about something it will be so easy to find that prayer and pray about it. whether it’s about love, sickness, anger, etc. I love this idea a lot. It’s going to help me out so very much, with my prayers, and to pray for others as well. And it’s small enough to fit right in my purse, so it will go where I go. and when needed I can just pull it out and find just what I need.
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I do love the idea that I can go back and forth in my Bibles, there is a purpose for each one. I have a study Bible, My regular Bibles, Journaling, Coloring, Prayer, etc. I just can’t put into words how this makes me feel. I’m sure some of you understand what I’m saying about that feeling.
I can’t wait to share with you all, all that I have and how I’m studying the Bible.
Now if I could learn how to put here how I feel and How I’m doing it all. I’m not one for words and sometimes mess them up. I’m just praying you understand.
I will start posting more next week as I get everything fixed and added to the website. My supplies come in soon, can’t wait. Until then, Bless you all, and thank you for reading this.

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