10/05/23 – Good afternoon,
I’m working on collaborations right now, for my YouTube channel and to put on my website. I need to get more content on my YouTube and the website as well, I don’t have much and would like to get more. I’ve been slacking
So I have one collab coming on Saturday to review, but I want to do a few at once. The goal is to have a video going up once to twice a week.
Please contact me, if you have a product you would like to have reviewed.
or if you know someone please pass on my information. thank you.
I will be doing the collaborations in two ways, one I will do a video of it, and the second, I will do it on the Product reviews page on this site.
I also have a new set up so it should make things easier to do videos. I’m hoping this will be much easier, but we will see.I will also be adding reviews, and I will also be adding crafts I’m working on, halls, maybe my planners, Bible Journaling, and more.
So please keep coming back as I add more content to my site, if you have any suggestions, please let me know.Thank you.

Please contact me, if you have a product you would like to have reviewed.
or if you know someone please pass on my information. thank you.
I will be doing the collaborations in two ways, one I will do a video of it, and the second, I will do it on the Product reviews page on this site.
I also have a new set up so it should make things easier to do videos. I’m hoping this will be much easier, but we will see.I will also be adding reviews, and I will also be adding crafts I’m working on, halls, maybe my planners, Bible Journaling, and more.
So please keep coming back as I add more content to my site, if you have any suggestions, please let me know.Thank you.